مراجع أجنبية
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2- Doyle, D. and Pimentel,S. (1993). A Study in Change: Transforming the Schools. Phi Delta Kappan, 74(7), 534-93.
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1. Alexander , Gary and Keeler , Carolyn (1995):Total Quality Management :The Emperor's Tailor , ERIC , ED:387922.
2. Johannsen, Carl Gustav (2000): Total Quality Management in a Knowledge, Management Perspective , Journal of Documentation , V(56) N(1) , ERIC NO: E1608496.
3. Motwani, Jaideep,(1995): Implementing T.Q.M in Education : Current Effort and Future Research Directions, Journal of Education for Business, V (71) N(2) November.
4. Taylor,Steve and Bogdan, Robert (1997):Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods , new York : John Wiley sons.
5. Waks , Shlomo, and Frank ,Moti (1996): Application of the T.Q.M Approach Principle and the ISO 9000 Standards in Engineering Education, European Journal of Engineering Education ,V (24) , N(3) P:249- 258 ,ERIC , ED: 607090.
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